December 30, 2011


When someone so dear to you has gone through so much abuse, one cannot but feel an incomparable pain. Sometimes I wonder how I can be of any help to those who undergo such challenges.  I have finally come to the conclusion that the mere act of being sensible, sensitive, and accepting can make a much greater difference in this world.  

Too many instances when individuals are quick to judge occur.  Without looking into a situation or viewing from a different stand point, people, both old and young, make the mistake of misunderstanding, misjudging, and even accusing.  

Outward appearances in actuality say so little about who a person really is inside.  Inside, individuals may be facing unbearable struggle, pain, and other issues we do not comprehend.  How much better would this world be if we were a little more sensitive, a little less quick to judge, a little more understanding?

We cannot remain naive to the world, caught in a web of closed mindsets.  Open your eyes.  There's so much for us to see.  

December 28, 2011

When I'm sad, I cry.

December 20, 2011


We are human.
Being human is being tolerant is being accepting is being charitable is being dignified.
Being human is being humane.

December 10, 2011


Little kids are so adorable.  I want to be one.