August 14, 2011

It's like this.

There's nothing better than listening to some Priscilla Ahn and Amos Lee, and much more while lookin at those stars.

August 13, 2011


After many months, I have finally finished watching these anime films by Hayao Miyazaki:  

Spirited Away (I want to marry that river spirited boy.)
Princess Monoke
Kiki's Delivery Service
Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind
Laputa:  Castle in the Sky
My Neighbor Totoro

Can you say KAWAII?!  I absolutely LOVE cute things!!  
Aside from the themes, the sound tracks to each work is priceless! 

A quaint room.

Brandi Carlile -  The Story
- SUCH a great song and voice.


Since Joseph and Vicky are going on missions, I've decided to move into my own room... yeah yeah big deal, right? --- RIGHT.
It's a pretty big deal for me.
All that peace and quiet with my own window!

(Random fact/picture:  I love being outside!) -->

I've been meaning to really teach myself how to play the guitar.  
Having my own room will grant a little more privacy.  
: )


Everyone should try playing tennis.  It's great fun!  I've made it a goal to play every night while Mom's in Taiwan. 

August 7, 2011

Banana Muffins and Peanut Butter Cookies

Tomorrow, my sight singing class is holding our final party, and I'm bringing banana crumb muffins!!!

I found this great recipe:


And also this:


In other words, I can't wait to bake today after church... Especially since today's a fast Sunday...
HAHA!  Anyway, Elder Chen's first letter came in the mail yesterday.  He's district leader!  He's sounding great and all...
I set up a blog to post all his emails and stuff.  Hopefully we'll receive an email pretty soon!
But for now, here's his blog:

Happy Fast Sunday!

August 1, 2011

You know...

I think every girl should look to women like Audrey Hepburn for examples to follow.

She's absolutely gorgeous inside out, classy, modest (in both ways), and even musical.  

I've been trying to find who I want to be for while... but I'm finally certain that for one thing... I'll try a little harder to be as respectable as this outstanding lady.

"I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person."

 For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." 

Well, I guess I'm back.

Lately, I've been listening to classical, romantic, baroque, and a ton of instrumental music and jazz.  It's been lovely!

And although I like listening to the radio on occasion, I really respect artists who incorporate deep, singing melodies - somewhat like Chopin.

Which reminds me...

I've been neglecting the expensive books of Chopin nocturnes, Bach's prelude's and Fugues, Prokofiev's Sonatas, and much much more. - They've just been piled high in my closet.

But yesterday, I pulled out the Chopin nocturnes and sight read a few.  -  There's nothing like a Chopin nocturne, even if it's a bit slow.

And now, I give you a picture of me in the HFAC - like everyday and all morning, you'll find me in this place preparing my theory figured basses and sight singing materials...

PS. I think I've fallen in love with baggy, button-ed up shirts and silk scarves...